10 Tell-Tale Signs of Poor Mental Health

10 Tell-Tale Signs of Poor Mental Health

If a family member or a loved one has not been their self lately, you are right to be worried about them. When someone you care about is always down, you should be concerned about their mental health. They might tell you they are fine and you might not have a reason to suspect otherwise, but you cannot ignore the uneasy gut feeling. Anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders are not always obvious. The person who is mentally ill could still function normally in the society and suffer in silence. 

Nonetheless, you can certainly identify poor mental health if you pay attention. The following signs should confirm that your loved one needs help:

1. Easily Distracted/Always Preoccupied

Lack of concentration or absent-mindedness signifies that the person is engrossed by thoughts that have nothing to do with the present. This happens to all of us occasionally, but too much of this is alarming. When negative thoughts keep spiraling, a person can no longer focus on whatever is going on outside their head. 

2. Irritable or annoyed at all times

When a person’s mental health is compromised, they get bothered or upset over little things. Nothing feels like ‘fun and games’ while they are stressed out. They could be burdened by work, knowing that delivering an assigned project before the deadline is going to an excruciating experience.

3. Too Quiet and Detached

If a person suddenly becomes too quiet or detached, they have probably gone through a major loss. For example, if someone close to this person died, it is important for them to vent their anguish. Bottling up emotions and slipping into isolation only makes matters worse. You should encourage them to speak their mind and latch onto a support system. 

4. Talking too much and too fast

Every person copes differently with despair and distress. Some people immerse themselves into a state of denial by being overzealous. They will rattle on about irrelevant things to distract themselves and prevent others from saying somethingwhich makes them nervous. They are quick to change the subject or go off topic. 

5. Always Tired and Dejected

When a person is constantly fatigued and crestfallen for no apparent reason, the best guess is that they have given up. Losing hope or faith can push you into a dark corner. Reaching for your dreams or establishing goals may seem useless after multiple failures.

6. Excessive Drinking

If a friend or family member has started drinking more than usual, do not take it lightly. Alcohol abuse is a common means of escaping one’s qualms, so beware. Do not leave them alone if they appear drunk, as they might harm themselves and others by committing a DUI offense

7. Unable to Sleep 

Individuals suffering from severe anxiety or depression become insomniacs. Their intrusive thoughts rob them of any sense of calm and peace. Sleep deprivation prevents their mind and body from rejuvenating overnight, so their mornings are cranky and every second restless.  

8. Perpetually Unenthusiastic and Uncaring attitude

When a person’s mental health is deteriorating, they lose interest in everything they took pleasure in or cherished earlier. They quit on life by abandoning their favorite hobbies, neglecting relationships, and forgetting about their career. 

9. Abrupt Mood Swings

It is not normal to switch from “I am delighted” to “I want to kill myself” within moments. If someone you care about is exhibiting an inconsistent temperament of late, you should investigate. When they seem perfectly fine and then become tearful without warning, realize that something has them troubled.  

10. Severe Reactions 

Frequent emotional outbursts and panic attacks are major red flags. Aggressive and spontaneous behavior demonstrate that the person has lost control over their feelings and actions. If they don’t get help stat, the situation could escalate to a dangerous level. 



Author Name

John Adams


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